Underground History, Mystery, and Curiosity-Inspired Journaling

Nestled in southern Kansas, Ellinwood is a small town with a long history, offering more than meets the eye with its charming streetscape, but what lies beneath is a mysterious and historical world perfect for inspiring your next journal entry. A surprising underground network dating back to the late 1800s reveals a labyrinth of tunnels and shops preserved for curious visitors on a unique historical adventure. This underground city was developed as a practical response to the evolving needs of a growing settlement influenced by the settlers, especially those from Southern Germany, and the changing dynamics brought by the Sante Fe trail and railroad expansion, creating a bustling community space below the town’s surface.

Visualize Your Dreams with Vision Board Journal Pages!

In this blog post, we explore the concept of vision board journal pages. Similar to traditional vision boards, these journal-sized creations allow you to visualize your dreams and goals in a convenient and creative way. By collaging images and words that represent your aspirations, you activate multiple parts of your brain and exercise your mind while keeping your dreams and goals close at hand for constant visual reminders. Research shows that visualizing techniques can reduce stress, organize your thinking, and prepare you mentally for future tasks. You can create multiple vision board journal pages to represent different aspects of your life, such as your dream home, ideal career, or fitness goals. By incorporating consistent and positive visualization practices into your routine, you can stay focused on your dreams and evolve your vision over time.

Boost your Journals by Adding Collage

Do you struggle with getting journal ideas or adding images to your journals?
Have you tried using collage techniques?  A simple receipt or picture next to your journal entry can enrich your work. Not just visually. Images help you dig deeper into your intended meaning.
The written word is beautiful by itself.  However, collaging items near, around, under, or on top of your words can push your words and meaning to a new level.


Journals That Travel Aren't Always Travel Journals

Travel Journal with world map design  and elastic closure, camera on table

Have you ever had an awkward experience during a live interview that challenged your thinking and revealed significant aspects of your work? This happened to me when I was asked to explain the difference between my travel journals and journals that travel with us. πŸ˜„πŸ—ΊπŸ“š

There's value in being prepared, especially when you use your journals as travel resources. We'll help clarify these subtle yet significant details we discovered that can enhance your traveling and journaling experiences. With these insights, you'll be ready to enjoy your next adventure and document it with ease. πŸ“